By Ainsley Benbow

The spooky and scary season of Halloween is finally here!!! I think I can speak for all of us when I say that none one realised how fast this year has come and I sure know I was not prepared for Halloween just yet! I need time, energy and lots of thought to be put into what I am going as for Halloween because let's be real, what you choose for Halloween says a lot about who you are as a person.
I mean, if a kid showed up at your house as Dracula with full fake blood and teeth and the pasty white face paint, you’d automatically think “Huh I guess I know who’s been planning their costume since January”. This person is the committed type of person on Halloween. But if say another metaphorical child showed up at your door with a mouth full of candy, a garbage bag filled to the bring of sugary sensations that we just know his mother is gonna take off him as soon as he gets home, and goggles over his eyes you’d think “guess this swimmer is breaking his diet” but then if you ask him what he is, he says “I’m Iron Man”. He’s the type of kid who got home from school and planned the night off.
I could go on and on about the different categories of people on Halloween but that is for another time. Maybe next year? But this article is on 31 Halloween Costume Ideas for the 31 days of October… smart right!? Right…..?
Honestly, some of us start planning for Halloween earlier in the year (no judgment here I’ve been there too), but much of the decision-making happens now in the weeks and now, days leading up to the big night. This makes it the perfect time to talk about one of the most important decisions in the year… what costume to wear!!!
What comes to mind when you think of Halloween? Pumpkins? Spooky scary skeletons? Bobbing for apples? Candies? Weird costumes? Scary tales? Horror movies? Trick or treating?
Now some of these can branch off into giving you ideas for what to wear on the big night for example horror movies, you could go as Micheal Myers or skeletons, you could go as quite literally a skeleton! In this article, I list and explain 31 costumes that can be associated with Halloween’s main themes but some of them are completely and utterly irrelevant but, sincerely unique.
With the spooky season finally here and with the night coming up very soon, I now present, without further ado, 31 Halloween Costume Ideas for the 31 Days of October...
1. Tetris

2. Hailey and Justin Bieber

3. Oppenheimer vs. Barbie

4. Juliet from Romeo and Juliet 1996

5. Starbucks

6. Crayons

7. Minions!

8. Lorax - It’s giving ✨Kuring-gai✨

9. Teletubbies

10. Ghostface

11. It

12. Men in Black

13. Nuns

14. Groceries

15. Morticia and Gomez Addams

16. Shrek

17. Pumpkin

18. Cactus - Antisocial (Non-hugging) Halloween

19. Sebastian from The Little Mermaid

20. Ladybug and Cat Noir

21. Woody and Jessie

22. Rihanna at the Superbowl

23. Statue of Liberty and/or Tourist

24. I AM GROOT… or maybe was Groot

25. Mario and Luigi

26. T-Rex

27. Corn

28. Marilyn Monroe

29. Eminem

30. Grandpa and Grandma

31. Dora
