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Autumnus Caligo

By Nat Hardwick

The sun stretches its arms above the ebony oaks below, 

Slowly embracing the icy emerald fields with its glow. 

Solis and Luna waltz through the dewy meadows, 

Leaving behind a glistening mist as the icy wind bellows. 

The mist engulfed them with their bitter song. 

The windows of homes once clear become shadowed, 

 by the dawn’s golden luminosity. 

But as the sun finally reached its aurum throne, 

the mist departed from the verdant fields it once called home. 

Autumnus Caligo serves as a warning that winter draws near, 

A dreaded time of year. 

The dusky clouds envelop the moonstone sky, 

Autumnus Caligo returns once again, 

With it the crisp winds and glistening mist, 

that glide across the viridian meadows that were once sun-kissed. 

Autumnus Caligo 

A glistening shadow that roams, 

Before the sun returns to its throne.


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