By Chiara Bragato

On Tuesday night, Blue, a film made to raise environmental awareness, was shown in the Gym. Led by Ms Cranfield, who did an excellent job in raising awareness and bringing attention to the continuing crisis, it was attended by members of the Green Team, other students from Loreto, as well as students from Mercy Chatswood and Riverview. Parents and staff also attended in order to learn about the environment. Out the front of the gym, a table containing reusable and sustainable materials, such as reusable glad wrap and metal straws, was on display, to raise awareness of how we can contribute to making our world a healthier place.
The film, made by Documentary Foundation Australia, was created to raise awareness about the issues faced by our environment. The film addressed issues of pollution, particularly the effects that plastic has on marine life. 1 000 000 sea birds die each year from the ingestion of plastic, and half of marine life has disappeared in the past 40 years because of human actions. Overfishing and illegal fishing also contributes to the degradation of the fish population, many of which contain toxic levels of plastic and pollution, which we consume.
Blue should be seen as a wake-up call. Our environment is in decline, and we need to action to protect and preserve our marine environment. Our continuous use of plastics and our reliance on fossil fuels is destroying our environment. It is up to us to save our world.