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Interviewing a Former Year 12 about their University Experiences during COVID 19.

By Amy Saad

Graduating from school is a stressful experience, especially due to Trials and the HSC. My older sister, Christina Saad from the class of 2019 has been through many interesting experiences, especially post-graduation. I have decided to interview her about her experiences especially after graduating from school and her first year of university while experiencing the impact of COVID 19.

Where are you completing university?

Griffith University on the Gold Coast.

What course are you doing?

I am studying a Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine. This involves two years of an undergraduate Bachelor of Medical Science and four years of postgraduate Doctor of Medicine.

How has corona virus impacted your university experience?

I spent four weeks on-campus from mid-February to March and stayed at student accommodation before all my classes became online and have remained since. Luckily, I instantly connected with my roommates and due to my cohort being only around 50, I became friends with some lovely people. However, my university experience of having greater independence, attending face-to-face lectures with over 300 people and the social aspects of uni has been impacted.

How have you had to adapt with your learning?

Online learning has made me realise the importance of self-motivation and organisation. It is much easier to miss classes due to having a more flexible timetable and catching up can be difficult. I have had to adapt by having good organisation and planning my week ahead. I find it is harder to remember content through online lectures and harder to engage in online labs. I have adapted by watching videos explaining concepts, making quizlets and mindmaps as these help consolidate my knowledge.

What helpful advice do you have for the other year 12s?

Don’t sweat the small stuff. The HSC is important but it is not everything. It is not a true measure of your abilities and successes. If you have a passion for a particular degree or career, you can always reach this goal through many pathways.

Surround yourself with positivity and take part in the many opportunities that Loreto has to offer as these will lead to lifelong memories.

For students thinking about what subjects to choose for year 12, my best advice for you is to choose what you truly enjoy and listen to your gut feeling.

Are you enjoying Uni?

I am really enjoying what I am studying! Going to university can seem a bit daunting at first, but whether it is online or in-person, it is quite fun and manageable.

What has been a highlight for you this year?

Earlier this year, I met up with my some of my close, high-school friends and had a nice picnic. It was really great seeing them all after we hadn’t seen each other for a couple of months due to lockdown. Hearing how they were going with uni and what changes were happening in their lives was really interesting and I’m glad that I was able to keep in touch with my amazing Loreto friends.


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