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Our Loreto Day Cause for 2022

Genevieve Bolster

Understanding ACRATH

ACRATH, ‘Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans,’ is a registered charity that has been a pioneering voice in the Australian Catholic sector in the fight against human trafficking and modern slavery since 2005. ACRATH has experience in advocating for people who have been exploited or trafficked throughout Australia by focusing on systemic change; educating parishes, schools and community groups about slavery.

With a capacity to educate, ACRATH has harnessed their extensive reach in many groups to allow others to gain the skills and knowledge to all on the importance of slavery-free supply chains and regulatory requirements in many groups.

Forced Marriage in Australia

Forced marriage is a form of modern slavery. In Australia, it is recognised as an offence that carries a maximum penalty of seven years imprisonment as of March 2013.

Many people assume that this social issue only occurs in less developed countries, but this is not correct. Forced marriage is not subjective to a certain area. It happens in Hornsby, Pennant Hills, Castle Hill and other suburbs in our own backyards. This form of slavery is occurring everywhere, most commonly in the sending of girls overseas where their legal rights and protective laws are not benefiting of their situation. There are many countries around the globe where forced marriage is not illegal.

More conversation is needed about forced marriage in order to prevent this clear violation of human rights, which is why Year 11 have decided to focus on it for our 2022 Loreto Day cause.


ACRATH is combating forced marriage within Australia by educating vulnerable communities, schools, members of the Catholic Church and health workers. They also raise awareness of forced marriage by advocating to the government, networking with counter-trafficking groups and trying to instigate systemic change to prevent forced marriage at its root. By doing this, they can instil change and widespread recognition of the risks and prevalence of forced marriage within Australia.


ACRATH relies on raising community awareness and fundraising to combat forced marriage. You can also help combat forced marriage, by contributing to the Loreto Day cause through:

  • Buying the Loreto Day badge ($5, year 11 will be selling these at recess and lunch)

  • Buying from stalls on Loreto Day (get keen for donuts, ice cream, a disco, a haunted house & much more!)

  • Start conversations with friends and family about the cause and why it is an important issue


Although Loreto Day is an exciting event with stalls, fun, music, friends and an INCREDIBLE concert, it is important to understand and think of the cause you are donating to. As much as the donations are a HUGE help, we must also acknowledge the issue and think of other ways we can help!


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