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She’s Price(d)less

By Zara

How to eliminate the gender pay gap

We’ve all heard the classic “gender pay gap” thrown around endlessly – the causes of inequality, the toxic masculinity of the workplace and complain endlessly of its mere existence. But as educated Loreto Women we have the ability to transform and lessen the gender pay gap in our personal lives and potentially the lives of others.

Now before we get into the how-tos, here are the main causes of the gender pay gap;

Now that you’re familiar with the causes, let’s get into the real ways to instigate change.

One of the most important things I hope you take out of this article is that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, so with this power, you can do the following.

  • Increase negotiation skills - poor negotiation skills are one of the leading causes of the gender pay gap – this is key to growing your wage, plus there are several workshops you can go to better these skills

  • Become a social media activist

    • Create awareness about the gender pay gap

    • Advocate for increased pay transparency and reporting on gender pay gaps to address gender discrimination.

    • Advocate for affordable, high-quality child care and early childhood education

  • Seek out promotions – the gender pay gap is narrower for women in their twenties – suggesting they seek promotions earlier in their career. Plus once you’re in a higher position, it’s easier to use those negotiation skills

  • Break down barriers – break down barriers of internalised misogyny and encourage women entrepreneurship.

  • Find successful women and learn from them – we are exposed to wonderful successful women consistently. Learn from them! Learn how they’ve overcome their adversity, start small and then diversify.


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