By Izzy Tziolis, Ashleigh Leck and Maddie Pauly

We asked a handful of teachers over the past two weeks what the class of 2020 meant to them. We also asked them to provide one piece of advice as we graduate and embark on a journey into the real world.
On behalf of the class of 2020 we want to say a massive thank you for all the teachers and staff who have helped us grow as young women who will make a change. Without their dedication, hard work and care, the class of 2020 would not be the amazing girls that we are today. So, thank you for marking our assessments, listening to us complain, making us love subjects and want to come to school. You will not be forgotten by us.
Love the Class of 2020
Mr Scali:
The Class of 2020 possesses a sense of fortitude and emerging wisdom and understanding of life and its struggles. Ultimately, they will be the most emotionally advanced year group to go through the school because of the trials and tribulations they have experienced. The girls understand that adversity is indirectly a gift.
The goal is to not see adversity as detrimental but to see it as having a silver lining and potentially something that can bring great benefit, wisdom and maturity in life.
Mr Munro:
A cohort that persevered in adversity, has taken change in their stride and will romp home as dark horses and ace the HSC. You girls survived better through covid than other schools.
Be dexterous with your thinking, be nimble on your feet and always pursue your dreams.
Mr Rafe:
A true representation of resilience, hard work, support and determination. You have faced significant hardships as a cohort and have overcome a lot. I have had a lot of laughs with this group and we are very proud of everything you have achieved!
Try to find humour in everything, don’t take life too seriously. Savour the small victories and really enjoy the twists and turns that life has to offer. While things will knock you down over the years, you have proven yourselves to be strong, independent women. Never let it keep you down!
Ms Taaffe
I still see the class of 2020 as tiny little year 7’s with colourful lanyards, but I know them to be resilient individuals who can take on life after school.
Take the time to discover what your values really are as this makes future decision making much easier.
Ms Hughes:
The class of 2020 is resilient and full of fun. They are the most cohesive group that I have worked with. I will miss them so much!
Tough situations make strong people. Don’t be afraid to take risks and follow your heart.
Mr Chesterman:
The Class of 2020 has shown good adaptability and have shown great spirit in tough times!
Don't let this year define you as a person and don’t be afraid to try your hand at new things because you may not know what you want to do yet but the only way to find out is giving everything a go.
Mr Lennon:
The class of 2020 means shirt, tie and shorts while doing zoom meetings.
My best piece of advice is to answer the bloody question. Also, you are not defined by your atar. No one is going to care what you get and one day you are going to tell your grandkids that you lived through the pandemic.
Ms Gupta:
The Class of 2020 epitomises resilience and courage.
To stay calm and have faith in all the work that has been done.
Mr Low:
I will miss you all and I wish you all the best for the future! COVID will bring big changes to work and education.
I highly recommend getting into fields of Mathematics and Science.
Ms Bugge:
Pure joy and comfort! They are my home away from home. They are my additional children who I took under my wing. They made me challenge my thinking and strive to be a better teacher every day. They taught me a new definition of what it means to have grit and persevere through life’s tests.
Time is precious. It is the one thing in life you can’t get back! Use your time wisely and ALWAYS find time to nurture yourself.
Mr Currao:
The class of 2020 have demonstrated to me what it truly means to be a Loreto girl. They have displayed integrity, respect and love. To me, this means that they understand what being a child of God is. For this reason they have a very special place in my heart that I will remember and cherish forever.
Being successful is about working hard to accomplish your goals. Try your best at everything that you do, be patient and always remain respectful to those around you and success will come.
Ms Albert:
The class of 2020 is a group of resilient, caring, kind young women that have grown and developed extraordinarily since year 7. They are very mature and I know they are ready to take on the world. The Aston Class of 2020 in particular will always hold a special place in my heart as they were the last group I had as a Head of House.
Don’t be afraid to change your mind once you leave. Don’t set your future in stone as it always changes. Be open and accepting of change. I encourage you to change as it builds character. Try different things, different courses not related to your degrees as it opens a whole new world.